

As an extra service to my customers and friends I have added a links page to help promote and support their respective businesses. I do encourage you to visit their websites and enlist their services whenever possible. I rely on these people to provide the same level of quality and service that I show to each and every client I have.

Ankeney Real Estate

Ankeney Real Estate


Judy is defiinitely the pick for a top notch real estate professional for both the Colorado Springs and Teller County markets.  Her knowledge of the trends, market share, do's and don'ts is remarkable.  If she does not know the answer, she will find out.  You will not be sorry by picking Judy as your trusted real estate professional.

Rocky Mountain Promotions


Energy! Excitement! Spontaneity! Just wait until you meet her, and I am sure you will add more words of you own to describe Mrs Ricki!  She knows so much about the promotional products market.  Pens, hats, ,shirts, cups, there is no end to the number of items she can put your logo or company information on.  Besides, she is just one fine lady!